hCard microformat Validator (beta, of course) This is an unofficial validator¹/conformance checker of the hCard microformat. Po polsku En français (translations welcome!) Input
Microformats are about enhancing the web, representing data in HTML and moving that data around. Oomph: A Microformats Toolkit is for web developers, designers and users, making it easier to create, consume, and style Microformats. In short, Oomph makes consuming and producing content for the web just a little easier, more efficient, more fun. Go Microformats! The crew here at Mix Online believe
書籍『マイクロフォーマット』発売 当覚え書きでは過去にも何度か触れてきたわけで、速攻で「宣伝乙」との突っ込みを受けること請け合いですが、めでたく書店に並び始めたということで、改めて自分が監訳として参加させていただいた書籍『マイクロフォーマット 〜Webページをより便利にする最新マークアップテクニック〜』をご案内させていただきたく。 タイトル マイクロフォーマット 〜Webページをより便利にする最新マークアップテクニック〜 著者 John Allsopp氏 翻訳 浅野紀予氏 定価 3,780円(税込) ISBN 978-4-8399-2544-4 マイクロフォーマット(microformats)に興味のある、あるいはこれから学んでみようと思っている方はもちろん、業務として日常的にWeb制作に携わっている方、特にマークアップに勤しんでいる方にはオススメしたい感じです。マイクロフォーマットを知れ
Firefoxのmicroformats拡張「Operator」やを開発しているMichael Kaplyが、“Where are the microformats in Firefox 3?”という記事で、彼が関わったFirefox 3のmicroformats対応について語っています。 Firefox 3の対応 Firefox 3の開発が始まったころ、microformatsを解釈して情報を取り出したり、他のWebアプリケーションと連携するようなUIを搭載するという構想がありました(“Firefox/Feature Brainstorming:Microformat Handling”)。また、microformatsを取り出したり作成するためのAPIもあわせて提供されるとされていました。 しかしながら、来月リリース予定のFirefox 3正式版では、microformats APIの
This demo shows how compound microformats can be used to progressively enhance HTML with semantic meaning. Icons are used to mark the start of each microformat. Hover over each example to display its source code. Some CSS3 selectors are used, which display only in modern browsers. Comments, questions, suggestions? geo 51.498, -0.179 geo shorthand (proposed) Imperial College, London, UK geo + adr I
Structured Blogging Structured Blogging is all about giving bloggers the tools to create and syndicate structured information, such as reviews and events. We currently offer two Structured Blogging plugins for the popular blogging platforms Movable Type and Wordpress. Using these plugins makes it easy to create, edit, and maintain different kinds of posts. Structured Blogging menu for Wordpr
Twitter (or Jaiku) nanoformats proposal Nanoformats try to extend twitter capabilities to give more utility to the tool. Nanoformats try to give more semantic information to the twitter post for better filtering. Nanoformats try to use commonly used (or semi-standard) parameters like microformats Nanoformats are better if more people use it, spread the word. Nanoformats are even better if you comb
The Safari Microformats plugin notifies you when the author of the website has published Microformats and allows you to easily import hCards and hCalendars in Address Book and iCal. This plugin was inspired by the idea and mockup of Jon Hicks. When a hCard or hCalendar is present in the website you visit, the Microformats logo will be shown in the address bar. The titlebar with the microformats in
Dans le monde passionnant du gaming, disposer d’un ordinateur performant est primordial pour profiter au maximum de ses jeux préférés. Mais comment choisir son PC gamer ? Quels sont les critères à prendre en compte lors de l’achat ? Dans cet article, nous allons vous donner quelques conseils afin de vous aider à sélectionner le … Comment choisir le meilleur PC gamer ? Lire la suite » Dans le monde
Introduction Microformats are used to make Web documents smarter (HTML, XHTML, RSS, ATOM, BLOGS, XML). They don't affect how your documents are rendered by a browser. But they have a huge (positive) impact on the ability of Web applications/tools to collect, understand, and process the information in your Web pages. Microformats are tiny bits of information injected into Web pages. When you add to
Adressbuch exportieren Alle Kontakte können aus dem Adressbuch exportiert werden. Hierbei wird für jeden Kontakt eine eigene Visitenkartendatei angelegt und in ein beliebiges Verzeichnis kopiert. video Zusammenführen von Kontakten Bestimmte Kontakte kann man gruppieren und in einer einzelnen Visitenkarte abspeichern. Das Programm bietet die Möglichkeit aus einer Auswahl von Kontakten eine einzeln
Operator 0.9.3 by Michael Kaply Categories Alerts & Updates Other Operator leverages microformats and other semantic data that are already available on many web pages to provide new ways to interact with web services. 8 reviews Updated May 21, 2008 1,777 weekly downloads 87,573 total downloads More Images Long Description Operator lets you combine pieces of information on Web sites with applica
There are plenty of places online where you can learn about using the hCard microformat to mark up contact details at your site (there are some resources at the end of the article). But there’s not yet been a lot of focus on using microformats with CSS. So in this installment of 24 ways, we’re going to look at just that – how microformats help make CSS based styling simpler and more logical. Being