
ブックマーク / nim-lang.org (5)

  • Nim Tutorial (Part I)

    Introduction"Der Mensch ist doch ein Augentier -- Schöne Dinge wünsch' ich mir." This document is a tutorial for the programming language Nim. This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with basic programming concepts like variables, types, or statements. Here are several other resources for learning Nim: Nim Basics tutorial - a gentle introduction of the concepts mentioned above Learn Nim in 5 m

    theatrical 2019/09/25
    Forward declarationsはへぇ~って思った。Result variableはあまり好きじゃない。control statementはexpressionならうれしかった。俺好みじゃないかな。好みの問題なので、良い悪いと言いたいのではないです。
  • Windows installation

    If you know what you are doing and you are sure you need a 32-bit version, you can download it below: The installation using the provided zip files should be fairly straightforward. Simply extract the files into the desired installation directory, and run finish.exe. Configuring the PATH environment variable The binaries from the zip file live inside the bin directory. It is common for Nim develop

    Windows installation
    theatrical 2019/09/25
  • Version 1.0 released

    Version 1.0 released 23 September 2019 The Nim Team Today is the day. The Nim Team is very proud and happy to announce the much-anticipated version 1.0 of the language. Nim has always been focused on providing a compiled statically typed language focusing on efficiency, readability and flexibility. Version 1.0 marks the beginning of a stable base which can be used in the coming years, knowing that

    Version 1.0 released
    theatrical 2019/09/25
  • Blog

    Blog Our blog is home to many articles consisting of announcements, descriptions of the language, use cases and much more. You will find articles written by both the Nim developers as well as guest authors. Nim versions 2.2.0 and 2.0.10 released The Nim Team is happy to announce two releases: version 2.2.0, our new stable release version 2.0.10, a patch release for Nim 2.0

    theatrical 2015/05/02
  • Nim Programming Language

    Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Efficient Nim generates native dependency-free executables, not dependent on a virtual machine, which are small and allow easy redistribution. The Nim compiler and the generated executables support all major platforms like Windows, Linux, BSD and macOS

    Nim Programming Language
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