ブックマーク / www.voterstudygroup.org (2)

  • Political Divisions in 2016 and Beyond

    tick2tack 2017/06/27
  • The Five Types of Trump Voters

    Key Findings This analysis finds five unique clusters of Trump voters: American Preservationists (20%), Staunch Conservatives (31%), Anti-Elites (19%), Free Marketeers (25%), and the Disengaged (5%)There is no such thing as “one kind of Trump voter” who voted for him for one single reason. Many voted with enthusiasm for Trump while others held their noses and voted against Hillary Clinton.Trump vo

    The Five Types of Trump Voters
    tick2tack 2017/06/27
    トランプ支持者の分析。すごい。どっか翻訳してくれないか。/ アメリカ保守主義者、厳格な保守、アンチエリート、自由市場主義、浮遊層の5つに分かれる。
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