
ブックマーク / github.blog (7)

  • Highlights from Git 2.36

    EngineeringOpen SourceHighlights from Git 2.36Another new release of Git is here! Take a look at some of our highlights on what's new in Git 2.36. The open source Git project just released Git 2.36, with features and bug fixes from over 96 contributors, 26 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.35 was released. To celebrate this most recent release, here’s GitHub

    Highlights from Git 2.36
    tkmkg8m 2022/04/19
    コンフリクト情報+解決された結果を同時に表示する --remerge-diff オプションいいなぁ。コンフリクト解消は気を遣うので、確認/安心しやすくなるのは嬉しい。
  • Specify theme context for images in Markdown

    November 24, 2021 Users can now specify the theme an image is displayed for in Markdown. Appending #gh-dark-mode-only or #gh-light-mode-only to the end of an image url will define whether it's only shown to viewers using a light or a dark GitHub theme. For example: The GitHub logo in the above screenshots uses the following Markdown to specify the theme context: ![GitHub-Mark-Light](https://user-i

    Specify theme context for images in Markdown
    tkmkg8m 2021/11/25
  • How we use Web Components at GitHub

    EngineeringHow we use Web Components at GitHubAt GitHub, we pride ourselves on delivering a first-class developer experience. A considerable part of our work is on our front end, which we strive to keep as lightweight, fast,… At GitHub, we pride ourselves on delivering a first-class developer experience. A considerable part of our work is on our front end, which we strive to keep as lightweight, f

    How we use Web Components at GitHub
    tkmkg8m 2021/05/05
    GitHubもWeb Componentsの記事出してた。GitLabの記事より具体的な利用例。いくつか使われてるのは知ってたけどこんなにいろいろ使われてたとは。
  • How we found and fixed a rare race condition in our session handling

    EngineeringSecurityHow we found and fixed a rare race condition in our session handlingOn March 8, we shared that, out of an abundance of caution, we logged all users out of GitHub.com due to a rare security vulnerability. We believe that transparency is… On March 8, we shared that, out of an abundance of caution, we logged all users out of GitHub.com due to a rare security vulnerability. We belie

    How we found and fixed a rare race condition in our session handling
    tkmkg8m 2021/03/20
    Rackの env オブジェクトがリクエストまたいで使い回されてて、本来クリアされるはずがレースコンディションにより変に更新されてしまったと。これはセッションリセットするね……。人類にスレッドは早すぎたんや。
  • Highlights from Git 2.28

    EngineeringOpen SourceHighlights from Git 2.28The open source Git project just released Git 2.28 with features and bug fixes from over 58 contributors, 13 of them new. We last caught up with you on the… The open source Git project just released Git 2.28 with features and bug fixes from over 58 contributors, 13 of them new. We last caught up with you on the latest in Git back when 2.26 was released

    Highlights from Git 2.28
    tkmkg8m 2020/07/28
    init.defaultBranch でデフォルトブランチを変更できるようになった。今後広く使われるんだろうか。
  • Upgrading GitHub from Rails 3.2 to 5.2 | GitHub Engineering

    EngineeringUpgrading GitHub from Rails 3.2 to 5.2On August 15th GitHub celebrated a major milestone: our main application is now running on the latest version of Rails: 5.2.1! 🎉 In total the project took a year and… On August 15th GitHub celebrated a major milestone: our main application is now running on the latest version of Rails: 5.2.1! 🎉 In total the project took a year and a half to upgrad

    Upgrading GitHub from Rails 3.2 to 5.2 | GitHub Engineering
    tkmkg8m 2018/09/30
    おぉ、おめでとう🎉 去年か一昨年に2.3から4.2に上げたときの悪夢が蘇る。そのうち2.3から5.xに上げることになるので今から戦慄してる。
  • Git 2.17 is now available

    ProductGit 2.17 is now availableA look at the new features in recent Git releases. The open source Git project just released Git 2.17.0, with features and bugfixes from over 60 contributors. Here’s our look at some of the most interesting new features from the last few versions of Git. Coloring moved code When you’re reviewing a commit that moves some code, its diff will show a big chunk of lines

    Git 2.17 is now available
    tkmkg8m 2018/04/10
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