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scalaとasyncioに関するtlyncのブックマーク (1)

  • Async-IO.org: Powering the Atmosphere Framework

    Welcome to Async-IO! Home of the most popular Real Time, Asynchronous and Non-Blocking Framework for the JVM Atmosphere Pro is THE best solution for scaling your app! Using Atmosphere in Production? Give Atmosphere's SUPERPOWERS with Atmosphere Pro Why Async-IO.org? Async-IO.org is the company behind the Atmosphere Framework! The Atmosphere Framework is the most popular asynchronous application de

    tlync 2013/08/01
    ほぉ、Socket.IO みたいなものかな。 "The Atmosphere Framework mission is to make real time apps possible in every browser, library and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms."
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