2022年9月24日のブックマーク (1件)

  • The Algorithms

    What is an Algorithm?An algorithm is a set of rules that takes in one or more inputs, then performs inner calculations and data manipulations and returns an output or a set of outputs. In short, algorithms make life easy. From complex data manipulations and hashes, to simple arithmetic, algorithms follow a set of steps to produce a useful result. One example of an algorithm would be a simple funct

    The Algorithms
    tmatsuu 2022/09/24
    バイナリサーチやクイックソートなど様々なアルゴリズム集。ソート実装だけで97種類あるぞ。実装言語は現時点で25。contributeも随時募集中。LICENSEはCとJavaScriptと C# がGPL-3、SolidityはLGPL-2.1、Swiftは明記なし、他はすべてMIT