You do not have to follow these rules every time. If you have a good reason to break any of them, do. But they are safe to follow every time. Use near-black and near-white instead of pure black and white Pure black often has uncomfortably high contrast with other colours, and pure white is too bright. Use close-to-black and close-to-white instead. Any other references to “black” and “white” in the
I plan to continue to design, code, and write about UI components and patterns for enterprise SaaS. I aim to create a product that allows software designers and engineers to plug into a comprehensive set of UI components to build amazing interfaces. Stay tuned! If you’re interested, sign up to stay informed on my progress.
Summary: Effective homepages are simple and easy to access, communicate the organization’s and site’s purpose, show engaging content, and prompt users to take action. The homepage is one of the most important pages of any given website. It is often the first — and possibly the only — chance to captivate and engage a user. A well-designed homepage should guide users towards their goals with clarity
Data Table Design PatternsData tables come in various sizes, contents, purposes, and complexities. The ability to query and manipulate data is a crucial requirement for most products that are being designed today. Enterprise software companies often serve large quantities of data to their users, prioritizing well-designed table experiences. This article is a collection of best practices to help yo
デザイン思考が生んだ、問題解決というデザインの「誤解」 イノベーションを促進する方法として、2000年代のビジネス界に瞬く間に広まった「デザイン思考」。しかし、そのなかで「デザインは問題を解決するためのもの」という誤った意識が強まってしまったと、あるデザイナーは警告する。 2023.06.01 アップルの台頭とともに高まった企業のデザインへの関心。 その流れを追い風に広まったのが「デザイン思考」ではないだろうか。 しかし、そのなかで「デザインはアップルの成功を追随させてくれるもの」「デザイナーは問題を解決する人」という認識も強まってしまい、デザイナーの役割を窮屈にしててしまった——ノースカロライナ州立大学グラフィックデザイン学科助教授で、自身もデザイナーのジャレット・フラーは言う。 では、デザイナーの真の力を発揮するためにもつべきマインドセットとは何か? フラーはスウェーデン政府イノベーシ
Loading and progress indicators are essential elements of UX/UI design that help users stay informed and engaged during waiting periods. Whether it’s loading a webpage, processing a transaction, or downloading content, well-designed indicators can significantly improve user experience. Among Jakob Nielsen’s ten heuristics, the visibility of system status takes precedence as the foremost and essent
Online brand guidelines for design today. for design today. with precision control. shareable with a link. built for teams. without exporting a pdf. to evolve with brands. with multiplayer editing. updatable with one click. with video and animation. without templates. for modern brands. that set a new standard.
A directory of brand, motion and digital product design studios doing cool stuff.