
2006年4月15日のブックマーク (4件)

  • YouTube - Apple Intel mac commercial edited with special ending.

    No, that is the Mac OS X background. See, Mac had been doing the pretty colors and transparencies since Windows 2000. And Ubuntu? Don't get me started! They're doing effects that Vista users can only masturbate about, and without the insane pc requirements! Best part? Not a single working virus that does real damage.

  • FrontPage - Apple BootCamp人柱まとめ - Seesaa Wiki(ウィキ)

    [ パソコン ] Apple BootCamp人柱まとめ Appleが発表した、IntelMacにWindowsを動かすためのキット「BootCamp」。こいつを早速使ってみた人柱の情報をまとめてみましょうか。 編集 履歴 添付 設定 新規ページ作成 メニュー このウィキの読者になる カテゴリー 最近更新したページ 2008-03-29 FrontPage 2006-04-13 BootCamp FAQ 2006-04-10 MenuBar1 2006-04-09 『Boot Camp』関連サイトリンク 『Boot Camp』関連記事一覧 2006-04-07 MenuBar2 Profile Calendar Memo Bookmarks 最新コメント Menu FrontPage BootCamp人柱まとめ BootCamp http://www.apple.com/macosx/bo

    toshyon 2006/04/15
  • VLC Media Player nightly builds

    Welcome! Here you can download experimental versions of VLC that are daily generated from the VLC code that is currently in development. Several issues that existed in previous versions of VLC might be fixed here, but since this version of VLC is not yet finished, you should expect other problems and issues. Warning! The nightly builds are UNSTABLE and may not work at all. There is absolutely NO S

    toshyon 2006/04/15
  • 東芝プロジェクター

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