We’ve all interacted with an app walkthrough at some point or another. Heck, some of us designed them.But when you take a look at the design literature out there, you will notice there is very little that specifically deals with app walkthroughs. They are such an important aspect of an app’s overall experience because, after […] We’ve all interacted with an app walkthrough at some point or another
With just 3 lines of CSS (excluding vendor prefixes) we can with the help of transform: translateY vertically center whatever we want, even if we don’t know its height. The CSS property transform is usally used for rotating and scaling elements, but with its translateY function we can now vertically align elements. Usually this must be done with absolute positioning or setting line-heights, but t
FastShell, fiercely quick front-end boilerplate and workflows FastShell Nightly build, inspired by FireShell The opinionated FastShell framework. Built for the modern developer. For teams and the individual, encouraging a better workflow. JavaScript task running, build processes, autominification and file concatenation, wrapped with an enhanced HTML5 boilerplated framework. HTML5 Boilerplated A cu
iOS 8 GUI PSD (iPhone 6) A Photoshop template of GUI elements found in the public release of iOS 8. HDownload PSD Updated October 14, 2014 License stuff: The sole purpose of this file is to help you pitch, design and build amazing software. The file nor its elements are to be repurposed as your own. It can’t be broken apart and used to create similar tools. Make good stuff The PSD is a well organi
第49回 HTML5とか勉強会に行ってきた。テーマは「HTML5最新情報 @Google I/O」だけど、Web Components祭りだったと思う。スタッフなので受付の案内したり、ピザやビールを並べたり、ピザやビールを食べたり飲んだりした。 第49回 HTML5とか勉強会 : ATND 第49回 HTML5とか勉強会 - Togetterまとめ 動画が上がってる。はやい! セッションはこんな感じ。 第49回HTML5勉強会 Google I/O 2014サマリー from Takuya Oikawa Google I/O サマリー @takoratta Web Componentsが変えるWeb開発の未来 泉水翔吾 @1000ch Material Design + Polymer 佐藤歩 @ahomu Material Design と Polymer - HTML5とか勉強会に登壇
StrongLoop launched in 2013 offering an open-source enterprise version of Node.js. Acquired by IBM in 2015, the StrongLoop team continues to build LoopBack, the open-source Node.js API Framework. IBM continues to contribute and support the StrongLoop community through these projects that provide key technologies for the API economy:
An open-source GUI prototyping tool that's available for ALL platforms. Pencil is built for the purpose of providing a free and open-source GUI prototyping tool that people can easily install and use to create mockups in popular desktop platforms. The latest stable version of Pencil is 3.1.1 which contains stability fixes and many new features. More details can be found in the release notes. Proje