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くらげ工匠へようこそ! 「フリー効果音素材 くらげ工匠」では、完全無料で今すぐ使える効果音素材をmp3形式で提供しています。 利用条件は大変シンプルですので、個人・法人を問わず、とっても簡単にご利用いただけます! 使用報告不要! リンク&クレジット表記不要! 用途も加工も自由! 商用利用無料! 詳しくは ご利用ガイド をご確認ください。 最新情報What's new? 2016/05/22[動作・物音・生活]効果音1点追加 2015/08/13[動作・物音・生活]効果音2点追加 2015/06/09[動作・物音・生活]効果音2点追加 2015/06/06[自然・生物]効果音1点追加 2015/04/29[動作・物音・生活]効果音1点追加 2015/02/20[動作・物音・生活]効果音2点追加 2015/02/19[演出・背景音]効果音2点追加 2015/02/18[動作・物音・生活]効果音
Categories Comments & Reviews (53) SMB-02 (18) 4000 (3) SMB-03 (3) SMB-01L (7) Great Wave Cable (2) PHONON LIQUID (21) NTC-RACK (4) PHD (6) SMB-01 (6) PAC (3) MUSICLIFE (1) NEWS (199) Product (28) EVENT (44) その他 (79) 導入事例 (33) PHONON(フォノン)はユニークな発想と新技術を届ける日本発の音響機器メーカー The official website of PHONON Inc. PHONON is a sound equipment brand from Japan, providing a unique concept and a new technology.
Currently your Arduino can only beep like a microwave oven. Mozzi brings your Arduino to life by allowing it to produce much more complex and interesting growls, sweeps and chorusing atmospherics. These sounds can be quickly and easily constructed from familiar synthesis units like oscillators, delays, filters and envelopes. You can use Mozzi to generate algorithmic music for an installation or pe
This part of the wiki lists Linux Audio applications. They are divided into several categories to ease out browsing. Do also check out the wiki start page and the Hardware Database. The site is a public collaboration platform, collecting resources for the Linux-Sound community from newbie to old-hat developer. You are welcome to suggest features, request applications for review or inclusion, help