
workとlifeに関するtsupoのブックマーク (2)

  • テクノロジー : 日経電子版

    1回の充電で東京―大阪間に相当する500キロメートルを走れるリチウムイオン電池技術の開発が活発だ。積水化学工業の技術は突破のメドがたち、旭化成も近づいた。いずれも既存の電極を使うこ…続き 再エネ効率的に貯蔵、「ナトリウムイオン電池」寿命・容量が増大 [有料会員限定] トヨタの全固体電池 2025~30年EVが化ける [有料会員限定]

    テクノロジー : 日経電子版
    tsupo 2009/08/26
    劇的な効率化がなぜ質の劣化につながるのか分かりにくいかもしれないが、いつでも直せるということは入念な確認を怠る結果にもつながっている / すべて1人でできることによる弊害 / 連続的にこなす作業 / 士気が低下
  • On Leaving SixApart

    There's a bit of accuracy in this ValleyWag story, in that I'm leaving SixApart. But the reasons ValleyWag cites for me leaving aren't so accurate. Yes, I'm bored, but that boredom isn't SixApart's fault. I've been doing this whole LiveJournal thing for about 9 years now. Even though I haven't been working on LiveJournal itself for perhaps a year or more now, people still think I am, and it's prob

    On Leaving SixApart
    tsupo 2007/08/08
    I've really enjoyed working with everybody at SixApart, especially on public projects like MogileFS, Perlbal, OpenID, djabberd, Gearman, TheSchwartz, etc. But all that stuff basically just works now, solving the problems they were meant to solve, and I find myself out of new things to work on.
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