×Browse IconsNewest PacksSVG Icon PacksPopular PacksRandom PacksLicense: Commercial free PacksCategoriesAdobe IconsAlphabet IconsAnimal IconsApple IconsApplication IconsArt IconsAvatar IconsBuildings IconsBusiness IconsCartoon IconsChristmas IconsComputer IconsCulture IconsDrive IconsEaster IconsEmo IconsEmoji IconsFlag IconsFolder IconsFood IconsFunny IconsGame IconsHalloween IconsHand-Drawn Icon
Indicator type : Background color : # Transparent background Foreground color : # Create easily your own ajax loader icon : Select the type of indicator you want Enter the background code color you want (tick "Transparent background" if you don't want one Enter the foreground code color you want Press "Generate it"
×Browse IconsNewest PacksSVG Icon PacksPopular PacksRandom PacksLicense: Commercial free PacksCategoriesAdobe IconsAlphabet IconsAnimal IconsApple IconsApplication IconsArt IconsAvatar IconsBuildings IconsBusiness IconsCartoon IconsChristmas IconsComputer IconsCulture IconsDrive IconsEaster IconsEmo IconsEmoji IconsFlag IconsFolder IconsFood IconsFunny IconsGame IconsHalloween IconsHand-Drawn Icon
Icons are a core part of many user interfaces, and are used to visually communicate the primary intent of an object or action. They are useful in UX design as they can reduce screen real estate and add visual appeal to an interface. Given that the purpose of icons is to guide the user where to go, their design should not hide the functionality they represent by making them hard to recognize. Good