
ブックマーク / kubesail.com (1)

  • KubeSail | KubeSail

    Host Apps From HomeRun a server in your home or office that runs websites & apps, saves money, and respects your privacy. Use our custom hardware or bring your own computerOpen and hackable, but beginner friendlyBackups, remote access, mobile apps, support, tutorials & more

    KubeSail | KubeSail
    vanbraam 2019/02/21
    ここ https://kubesail.com/pricing に値段表あるけど,凄くざっくりしてる."Get a free Kubernetes Cluster"なのにclusterがsharedなのってどういう意味なんだろう.capacity的にもfreeだと1pod動かすのがせいぜいだし,実際はGet a free podなのかな?
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