an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps Leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Weighing just about 42 KB of JS, it has all the mapping features most developers ever need. Leaflet is designed with simplicity, performance and usability in mind. It works efficiently across all major desktop and mobile platforms, can b
Is there a way I can add some custom information to my markers for later use. There are ways to have an info-window and a title, but what If I want to associate the marker with other information. I have other stuff being displayed on the page that depends on the markers so when a marker is click the content on the page has to change depending upon which marker was clicked.I would like store and re
Tue, Nov 4, 2008 Heads up! This article was written in 2008. The theory itself is still good but the demos are currently broken. Static Maps API has URL length limit of around 2048 characters. You can hit this limit quickly when adding lot of markers. You can keep URL short by clustering markers together. Square Based Clustering Clustering is usually done by dividing map to squares. Square size de
突然ですが、平面の世界地図を想像してみて下さい。 人によって違うと思いますが、「中国や北朝鮮から日本を越えて右にず〜っとまっすぐ行くと北米大陸がある」という図1のような地図を想像する方が多いのではないでしょうか。 (図1) この地図は正角円筒図法というもので、メルカトル図法として知られています。単に世界地図を想像しろと言われてこの地図が浮かんでくること自体は何ら問題ではありません。 しかし、「平壌を中心にロサンゼルスまでの弾道ミサイルの飛翔経路」について議論する場合、メルカトル図法は不適切です。メルカトル図法でみると、平壌からロサンゼルスに向けて発射された弾道ミサイルは日本の上空を通るように思われますが、実際はそうではありません(後述、参照記事)。 この点、誤解されている方が少なくないようです。メルカトル図法がとてもポピュラーで見慣れたものであることの弊害かもしれませんね。さすがに専門家の
Having answered a similar problem a couple of months ago on how to tackle this on the server-side in SQL Server 2008, I am porting the same algorithm to JavaScript using the Google Maps API v2. For the sake of this example, let's use a simple 4-point polyline, with a total length of circa 8,800 meters. The snippet below will define this polyline and will render it on the map: var map = new GMap2(d