『A phase difference between the wave functions on loop segments causes the critical current in the device to change from zero to maximum and back to zero in a steplike manner with the change of the quantum numbers in each of the loops』
『although the transitional state appears to be a menagerie of flow states, these can all be characterized by laws we already know』『Transitional flow is known to consist of intermittent patches of different types of flow, which alternate along the pipeline』
『the Friedmann space-time is actually unstable: Any perturbation—for example if the density of matter is a bit lower than average—pushes it over into an accelerating universe』
『A fascinating property of topological insulators is that while remaining insulating in the bulk, they are very good conductors at the edge. At those edges, electrons travel in quantum channels in either direction』
『In particular, the grasshopper problem is connected to the Bell inequalities, which famously show that, unlike classical physics models, quantum theory does not obey local realism』
『It's something that wasn't really visible in the past, and it could provide new clues about the origin of these clouds and the physical conditions within them.』
『The new dissipative approach does not require a logical circuit and dispenses also with measurements. "The whole error correcting process happens autonomously at the microscopic level, such that quantum systems can correct themselves"』
『Our collision based computing schemes control what happens to the cargo, for example some high velocity collisions cause marbles to fuse and the contents to mix with the possibility of starting reactions and making new products, other collisions just guide…』
『The resulting values for the Rydberg constant and the proton radius are in excellent agreement with the muonic results, but disagree by 3.3 standard deviations with the average of the previous determinations from regular hydrogen』
『'timescape cosmology'. This has no dark energy』『The timescape cosmology was found to give a slightly better fit to the largest supernova data catalogue than the ΛCDM cosmology』
『A simultaneous detection of gamma rays and gravitational waves from the same place in the sky is a major milestone in our understanding of the universe』
『The key idea of the new scheme is to map the information about the generating functional onto a collection of entangled quantum sensors, encoded in electronic states of the ions』
『SDSS-V will consist of three projects, each mapping different components of the universe: The Milky Way Mapper, the Black Hole Mapper and the Local Volume Mapper』