I wrote about my Eclipse code templates a few years ago and since then I've made a quite a few changes to them. I've added a few new templates to help with JUnit tests and xml parsing. I've also updated my existing file IO templates to use Java 7 features. Templates are simply "magic words" or shortcuts to standard blocks of code or text. They are very handy because once you have them setup you do
Tools -> MonjaDB (MongoDB GUI client tool) Overview MonjaDB is a MongoDB GUI client tool for rapid application development. It aims to provide a thoroughly straightforward way of updating MongoDB documents. It runs on Windows/Mac/Linux. MonjaDB has been developed as a plugin for Eclipse, so you will need to have Eclipse installed. Features - Easy to use - WYSIWYG editing on JSON/Table/Tree o
Markdown Editor plugin for Eclipse Drag and drop this button into a running Eclipse Indigo workspace to install Markdown Text Editor via the Eclipse Marketplace: To install, use Eclipse's Software Updates mechanism (Help > Install New Software) with the URL: http://winterwell.com/software/updatesite/ You may wish to check the Eclipse Marketplace entry for latest version information. Alternatively,
tag, and before any other scripts. Your first data will appear automatically in just a few seconds. --> Andrew Bragdon > Projects > Code Bubbles Rethinking the User Interface Paradigm of Integrated Development Environments Click Play above to watch video. Note: depending on connection, it may take several moments to buffer the video (it is in HD). Here is a direct link to YouTube. News: We will be
Java with spice! Xtend is a flexible and expressive dialect of Java, which compiles into readable Java 8 compatible source code. You can use any existing Java library seamlessly. The compiled output is readable and pretty-printed, and tends to run as fast as the equivalent handwritten Java code. Get productive and write beautiful code with powerful macros, lambdas, operator overloading and many mo
Java 7 comes with a set of small enhancements to the Java language (aka Project Coin), a new byte code to dynamically invoke methods and many additions to the libraries. The Eclipse compiler implements all the new features of Java 7 and all Eclipse JDT features like e.g. search and refactoring have been updated to support Java 7. Besides that, some new features got added: Improved Type Inference f
Get started with Neo4j Explore graph databases Working with data Model a dataset Connect data sources Import your data Query a database Visualize and explore Monitor data changes Use graph algorithms Create applications Integrate GenAI functions Fully-managed cloud (Aura) Create an instance Import your data Monitor an instance Manage a deployment Backup, export, and restore Self-managed deployment
This page will summarize all the work that is done to add Java(tm) 7 support (jsr334: project coin) into Eclipse. It might also be extended to other jsrs if needed. We still need to find out what changes are supposed to be done to support the jsr 292 in the compiler. This is not clear yet. Current Status at the first glance Java 7 features Switch on Strings Binary Literals Underscores in Literals
What is the VJET JavaScript Integrated Development Environment? VJET JavaScript IDE is an Eclipse plugin that provides a fully integrated development environment for JavaScript - from authoring, to execution/test, and debugging. More Why Would I Use VJET JavaScript IDE? VJET JavaScript IDE replaces standard text editors or simple JavaScript editors used by many JavaScript developers today and bri