Writing unit tests can be hard and sometimes good design has to be sacrificed for the sole purpose of testability. Often testability corresponds to good design, but this is not always the case. For example final classes and methods cannot be used, private methods sometimes need to be protected or unnecessarily moved to a collaborator, static methods should be avoided completely and so on simply be
README.md EasyMock Server Usage $ npm install -g easymock $ easymock Files All files from the running folder are present as static files. So place anything in there and it is accessible with GET filename. Differentiating GET/POST/PUT/DELETE If you want to use advanced serving features like GET/POST/PUT/DELETE or templates in json, provide files like in the example below: GET /items/1 => items/1_ge
初めましてこんにちは。ソーシャルクライアント開発の tanabe と申します。 今回は?Sinon.JS を使った JavaScript のテスト方法を紹介したいと思います。 Sinon.JS って何? Sinon.JS はノルウェーのエンジニア Christian Johansen さんが書かれた、JavaScript 用のライブラリです。スタブやモック、フェイクオブジェクトの提供に特化していて、QUnit などのテスト用のフレームワークや実行環境に依存しない所が特徴です。Christian Johansen さんは?Test-Driven JavaScript Development の著者でもあり、こちらは近々翻訳版 が登場するようです。 では早速、Sinon.JS を使ったテスト手法をご紹介していきたいと思います。本稿ではテストフレームワークは QUnit を採用しています。 時間
Mockjax consists of just a few methods, each listed below. You'll find plenty of examples in the sections below, but if you're looking for a specific option, checkout this list: Number $.mockjax(/* Object */ options) Sets up a mockjax handler for a matching request Returns that handler's index, can be used to clear individual handlers options: [Object] Defines the settings to use for the mocked re
Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. Works with any unit testing framework. Get Started Star Sinon.JS on Github Get Started Install using npm To install the current release (v19.0.2) of Sinon: npm install sinon Setting up access Node and CommonJS build systems var sinon = require("sinon"); Direct browser use <script src="./node_modules/sinon/pkg/sinon.js"></script> <script> // Ac