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x86とGCに関するwasabizのブックマーク (1)

  • CallingConvention – Clozure CL

    OpenMCL calling conventions x86 x86-64 The architectural CALL and RET instructions are not used, because CALL pushes a value onto the stack which will have an essentially arbitrary tag. It would be hard for the GC to look at that arbitrarily-tagged thing, recognize it as a pointer into a function, and then find that function. (N.B.: It looks like this may be changing. See, e.g., r6290 ff.) Therefo

    wasabiz 2013/11/30
    Clozure CLというCommon Lisp処理系が関数呼び出しにcall/ret命令を使っていないのはGCのためだというお話
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