
2007年6月9日のブックマーク (6件)

  • XOM

    XOM™ is a new XML object model. It is an open source (LGPL), tree-based API for processing XML with Java that strives for correctness, simplicity, and performance, in that order. Tutorial JavaDoc What's Wrong with XML APIs (and how to fix them) FAQ Jar file (Core packages only) Complete zip (includes source code, prebuilt jars, API documentation, unit tests, sample programs, third party jars) Comp

    wshito 2007/06/09
  • Parallels Desktop for Mac

    Run Windows on Mac. Easy. Powerful. Seamless. Parallels® Desktop 19 for Mac Power up your Mac to run Windows on a virtual desktop, plus get access to more than 200,000 of its apps to work, develop, study, test, and play. Authorized by Microsoft.

    Parallels Desktop for Mac
    wshito 2007/06/09
  • NetJapan : CrossOver Mac

    私たちの提供する「システム保護ソリューション」は単に製品を販売して終わり、ではありません。もちろん製品の性能、使いやすさ、分かりやすさには自信をもって開発しており、システム保護というソリューションを一部のプロフェッショナルだけの世界から、もっと簡単に安心して使えるよう解放したいと日々努力しています。 そのためには、お客様とより親密に意見を交わし、不明な点、特殊な環境への随時対応など重要課題として取り組んでいます。 お客様の環境や使用シーンに合わせた購入前の技術的な問い合わせ、高度な専門的な内容も網羅するナレッジベース、リソース(技術資料)、すぐに操作できる手助けとなるチュートリアル(操作動画)など、充実したサポートを提供しています。

    wshito 2007/06/09
    Windows APIを直接提供しエミューレータ無しでWindowsアプリをMac上で走らせるソフトウェア.
  • Buildr

    What is Buildr?NewsNotices What is Buildr? Buildr is a build system for Java applications. We wanted something that’s simple and intuitive to use, so we only need to tell it what to do, and it takes care of the rest. But also something we can easily extend for those one-off tasks, with a language that’s a joy to use. And of course, we wanted it to be fast, reliable and have outstanding dependency

    wshito 2007/06/09
  • xoocode.org

    wshito 2007/06/09
    Javaで書かれたオープンソースのIssue Tracking System.
  • Xoocode | A programmer's view of the world

    As a computer programmer, a lot of people naturally assume I’m an introvert. Of course, this is often the case with people in my profession. At times, it can really pay to have the ability to focus solely on the job at hand and not get distracted by the outside world. But the truth is that I’m actually a DJ who uses software and my laptop to play at parties all over my city. iTunes I got started D

    wshito 2007/06/09
    オープンソースのContinuous Integration Server.