Web design is an ever-evolving field, constantly adapting to technological advancements, user preferences, and industry standards. What was once considered innovative can quickly become obsolete, making it crucial for web designers and developers to stay updated. In this article, we’ll look at some web design practices that are no longer relevant today and should be […] The digital landscape has n
Web designers often tell us they care about using standards, but they aren’t interested in participating in the standards process. For example, A List Apart is a great promoter of open standards, but few of the contributors are directly involved in W3C. It’s a little like exercise… sure, it’s good for you, but it can be pretty tedious. But W3C really wants to hear from web designers and developers
I'm making a new layout library, called Packery. It is awesome because it resolves two of biggest and oldest issues with Masonry or Isotope. It fills gaps (Masonry issue #141) You can drag item elements (Masonry issue #45) It's been in development for the past several months, and it still has a ways to go until a full public release. Here's a sneak peek. Packery has support for grid layouts. Okay,
jQuery 1.9 がリリースされました。1.9 の新機能の中ではあまり注目されていませんが、ソースマップに対応したのが地味に便利そうです。 というのも、圧縮版の jquery.min.js を使っていると 何か問題が起きたときにスタックトレースを眺めても jQuery の部分が意味不明 デバッガーで jQuery のソースにステップインしても意味不明 といった理由で、開発中には非圧縮の jquery.js を使うことが多かったわけです。 それが、1.9 からはソースマップに対応したので圧縮版のままでのデバッグが簡単になってます。 超簡単な使い方 ソースマップに対応したブラウザーは現時点では Google Chrome のみなので、Google Chrome の手順を説明します。 (Firefox はソースマップへの対応を計画中らしい) 事前準備を忘れずに Google Chrome で
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 The Magic of the jQuery 1.9 Source Map jQuery 1.9 Supports Source Maps You may have noticed that the 1.9 version of jQuery was released yesterday. One of the most excited pieces of the version is support for Source Maps! What are Source Maps? What is a Source Map? Well, it is a generic way to translate one script format into another. In jQuery's case, it is mapping t