
ブックマーク / bret.appspot.com (2)

  • We need a Wikipedia for data - Bret Taylor's blog

    I just started blogging. I am not sure what I want to write about, but I think one theme will be "things I want but want someone else to build." This article describes one of those things. At Google, I worked on a number of projects that required data from third party data sources. We licensed mapping data for 100s of countries for Google Maps, movie showtimes data for Google Movies, and stock dat

    y_yanbe 2008/04/09
    「データは次のIntel Inside」と言われて久しいが、Googleみたいな環境に身を置いてるとその先が見えてくるんだろうな
  • Bret Taylor's blog

    Last week, I gave a short presentation about FriendFeed before a panel at the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab. The panel, entitled "Lifestreaming: The Real-time Web," included me, Loic Le Meur (Seesmic), Leah Culver (Pownce), and Jeff Clavier (SoftTechVC), and it was moderated by Kara Swisher. After Louis Gray's writeup of my presentation and Kara Swisher's video made the rounds on FriendFeed, I have got

    y_yanbe 2008/04/09
    元Google App Engine開発者によるブログシステム。完成度が高いだけでなく、昨今のウィジェットやアフィリエイト満載のブログシステムに対するメッセージ性も高い
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