The most popular tutorial on Build Internet is now a jQuery plugin. Welcome aboard, Mosaic. Sliding Boxes Revisited The original sliding boxes tutorial is undoubtedly our most popular tutorial, with about 660,000 views as of this post. Given our recent surge in releasing plugins, we decided to add sliding boxes to the roster – say hello to the Mosaic jQuery plugin. Features Automatically generates
JavaScript library to animate elements as they scroll into view.
More than 5,000 organizations count on our digital courses and more to help their teams learn the tools and technologies that drive business outcomes. We can help yours too. New AI policy for O’Reilly authors and talent O’Reilly president Laura Baldwin shares the company’s ethical approach to leveraging GenAI tools and ensuring O’Reilly experts are compensated for their work. Read it now It’s time
Familiar Widgy is a Python CMS built on Django, so you already know your way around the code. Promgrammers will feel right at home. Open Widgy is released under the Apache 2 license, so you have the flexibility you need, with added protections for your business. Agile Widgy allows Python/Django programmers to customize widgets and for marketers to easily create and optimize content for SEO and usa
A note to our community Experiments with Google was born out of a simple idea, but you all turned it into something beyond anything we could have ever imagined. You filled it with thousands of experiments that inspired people everywhere - from the classroom to the surface of Mars. When it comes to the internet, 14 years is a long time. So in the spirit of experimentation we’re trying something new
Computers match or surpass top humans in a wide variety of games: Othello, Scrabble, backgammon, poker, even Jeopardy. But not Go. It's the one classic game where wetware still dominates hardware. TOKYO, JAPAN --- Rémi Coulom is sitting in a rolling desk chair, hunched over a battered Macbook laptop, hoping it will do something no machine has ever done. That may take another ten years or so, but t
"I was so stressed about the whole process of getting my permit. Aceable helped relieve that stress." NATASHA "The app is great to work with. It gives you information in a serious but humorous way and works with your pace as well. 10/10" JOHN "I've never been more interested and intrigued on my first driving course. It's a fun and knowledgeable way of doing it, I really would recommend it to famil
radios-to-slider Star Tweet Radios to slider is a jquery plugin to create a slider using a list of radio buttons. Basic usage: <div id="radios"> <input id="option1" name="options" type="radio"> <label for="option1">1 year</label> <input id="option2" name="options" type="radio"> <label for="option2">2 years</label> <input id="option3" name="options" type="radio" checked> <label for="option3">3 year
ก่อนอื่นเราต้องรู้ก่อนว่าการเอารถเข้าไฟแนนซ์เป็นทางเลือกสำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการซื้อรถยนต์โดยไม่ต้องมีเงินก้อน อย่างไรก็ตาม ผู้ขอสินเชื่อควรพิจารณาข้อดีและข้อเสียของการเอารถเข้าไฟแนนซ์อย่างรอบคอบ เพื่อให้ตัดสินใจได้อย่างถูกต้องและเหมาะสม ซึ่งการเอารถเข้าไฟแนนซ์ คือ การที่ผู้ซื้อรถยนต์นำรถยนต์เข้าขอสินเชื่อจากสถาบันการเงินเพื่อนำไปชำระค่ารถยนต์ โดยสถาบันการเงินจะเป็นผู้ถือกรรมสิทธิ์รถยนต์จนกระทั่งผู้ซื้
Based on the amazing Ace editing component, Caret brings professional-strength text editing to Chrome OS. With Caret, you no longer need to install a second OS to get what other platforms take for granted: a serious editor for local files, aimed at working programmers. Features Syntax highlighting and themes Caret offers syntax highlighting for a wide variety of languages, and all of the standard
This is a written (expanded) narrative of the content from a talk I first gave at PhillyETE on April 23rd, 2014. It mostly follows the flow of the presentation given then, but with a level of detail that I hope enhances clarity of the ideas therein. The talk’s original slides are available, though the key illustrations and bullet points contained therein are replicated (and somewhat enhanced) belo
This is a Gentoo Penguin. Gentoo Penguins always compile from source. Photo Credit: Paul BoxleyRecently we wrote about how we transliterated a large Python codebase to Go. In doing so we ended up porting or writing some useful things we had already written in Python or Python already had. We’ve also written some useful tools for understanding and debugging Go. We’ve decided to open source these Go
The story of Basecamp’s disastrous policy Basecamp’s CEO published a blog post about policy changes — it may have broken the company On April 26th, Basecamp founder and CEO Jason Fried posted on his blog about some policy changes that would be happening at the company, which makes team collaboration software. One policy stuck out to many on the internet — the company would no longer be allowing it
MonkeyParking has joined the WhereiPark family! To learn more about available monthly parking, group/fleet options or how to optimize your parking asses please visit Upload your parking network on a dedicated Google Spreadsheet and find it ready to be booked on MonkeyParking App. It doesn't matter if you have 5 or 50,000 parking locations. We host your network, manage bookings a
Fabridge's Mission: 日台のワクワクする事業の懸け橋になること Fabulous(ワクワクする)+ Bridge(架け橋)=Fabridge(ファブリッジ) 10年の実績があります ファブリッジは、2008年設立より、台湾に特化したサービスを提供し続けてきました。日台の架け橋として、確実に重ねてきた実績を、日本のお客様、台湾のお客様より高く評価していただいています。 リアルな台湾を知っています ファブリッジは台湾現地オフィスを構え、ビジネスシーンのみにとどまらず、台湾との文化交流、スポーツ交流も実施しています。台湾ビジネスに必要な人と人とのつながりを大切にして、スピード感あふれる台湾ビジネスをご提案します。
Single-Sign On Users authenticate with Keycloak rather than individual applications. This means that your applications don't have to deal with login forms, authenticating users, and storing users. Once logged-in to Keycloak, users don't have to login again to access a different application. This also applies to logout. Keycloak provides single-sign out, which means users only have to logout once t