GIMPの他にはないチュートリアル30という記事を元に、 GIMPチュートリアルについて、まとめました。 上記サイトに紹介されているものをいくつか抜粋して、それと関連ある日本語サイトも載せています!
With Christmas just around the corner we have been looking for ideas for DIY decorations. Christmas is the perfect opportunity to practice your artistic skills. … Read the Rest The assault bike is, to some, the ultimate torture machine – gruelling assault bike workouts push your physical limits to the max. When pedalling flat out, it leaves even the fittest of users without breath – but that’s exa
For those of us who travel often, we often end up accessing our emails and other confidential web accounts on public computers. In such circumstances, we are completely at the mercy of keyloggers and other malicious software that track our keystrokes and record our passwords. Yet, very few websites provide their users with the option of using a virtual keyboard to key in (at the bare minimum) thei
Charts with PHP and Google Charts API Just yesterday I found out about the Google Charts API and I was impressed by this excellent service but noticed that creating multiple charts got pretty messy, especially if I wanted to edit the data later on. I figured if I wanted to use this in the future, I’d like an easier way to create charts out of my data - thus the class GoogChart was born. What I wan
Here, on the Smashing Editorial team, we always try to meet the expectations of our readers. We do our best to avoid misunderstandings, and we try to spread knowedge and present only the best design practices and development techniques. However, sometimes we do make mistakes. And when we do, we apologize and do our best to correct what we’ve done. In November 2008 we published the article 10 Advan
Saving for college is quite a daunting task. We all want to set our kids up for success, right? But, the path to financing their dreams can feel like a maze of decisions and ...
CSS - Cutting edge Cascading Style Sheets. Experiments in CSSProfessional drop-down #12 png transparency and IE6 select box fix 8th September 2008 This menu and hundreds more can be found at 3D menu series Home Contacts Support Sales USA Canadian South American European British London Liverpool Glasgow Bristol Redland Hanham Eastville Cardiff Belfast French
We’re going to make you a niche website, turn it into an authority website that is one of the most trusted resources in your niche, and earn you a pretty penny along the way. 😉 Welcome to Website Academy, the beginning of a site that’ll walk you through this website creating, monetizing and potentially selling business. My name’s Shaun Letang, you can see my mug on the right (desktop) or below (m
このサイトでは初めてのモデルハウス見学について、初心者でもわかりやすく基礎知識に関して解説しています。 見学の時には担当者が同行しながら説明してくれます。 行く前には家族全員で話し合い要望を纏めておくことも必要です。 住宅展示場タイプだと複数のメーカーのを纏めて見学出来て、比較や検討が出来るのが魅力です。 暮らした時のイメージで作られているので、家族にあった理想の暮らし方も見つけられます。 専門家の家づくりの情報・資金計画・インテリアのアドバイスや相談会など、家族揃って楽しめるイベントも開催されています。 初めて行うモデルハウス見学!初心者にも分かりやすくモデルハウスの基礎知識を解説 初心者がモデルハウスを見学するときには、営業担当者との相性は重要で設計・着工・完成・引き渡しまで長期間付き合う関係になります。 そのため、担当者の人柄・家づくりへの姿勢・幅広い知識を活用して、要望に対しても的
3D Typographic design is now more popular and we can notice a surge for 3D Type work on portfolio sites. Here we have collected 25 of the cool 3D typographic Text effect tutorials, well some of them are all done by the combination of some 3D software’s like Studio Max, Xara and some times illustrator with texture and coloring done in photoshop and others completely designed using photoshop. hope
Creation and popularity of Git is closely related to development of Linux. At first it was used to for Linux kernel development, but now it's used in the many other open source projects. We can work with Git from Emacs using several packages — either use modules for VC и DVC packages, or use specialized packages, like: git.el, emacs-git, magit & egg. In first case we work with Git through standard
This is the eighth post in an article series about MIT's lecture course "Introduction to Algorithms." In this post I will review lecture twelve, which introduces an efficient search structure called Skip Lists. Skip lists are an efficient data structure that can be used in place of balanced trees. Skip lists use probabilistic balancing rather than strictly enforce balancing and as a result the alg
Adobe Photoshop is probably one of the most popular graphic editing program used extensively. There is one simple reason for that. Photoshop is easy to learn and offer a variety of advanced tools to optimize and emphasize some impressive results. That's why many designers use it to compliment other programs like Flash, Illustrator, Cinema 4D and After Effects. But wait it doesn't stop here, there