Quick access to the Extensions Control Panel directly from the toolbar
Quick access to the Extensions Control Panel directly from the toolbar
This extension has been deprecated and can be safely removed. Google Quick Scroll は、探している情報をすばやく見つけるためのブラウザ拡張機能です。 Google の検索結果をクリックすると、状況に応じてページの右下に Quick Scroll が表示されます。Quick Scroll には検索キーワードに関連するテキストの抜粋が表示され、このテキストをクリックするとページ内の該当箇所に移動できます。 Quick Scroll は操作の邪魔にならず、役に立つタイミングでのみ表示されます。 ________________________________________________________________ [インストール] をクリックすると、次の利用規約に同意したことになります: https://ch
() - ユーザー数: 1,111 - 先週のインストール件数: 463 Google Account Switcher IMPORTANT: if you change from 0.1.8 to 0.1.9 you need to reset all the passwords Version 0.1.9 - Add encryption to passwords, so they are not visible Version 0.1.8 - fix for sign out problem for password the password feature is only because I received a lot of requests as you can see in the comments. It's optional, because even though th
Adds one-click subscription to your toolbar. This extension auto-detects RSS feeds on the page you are reading and upon finding one will display an RSS icon in the Omnibox, allowing you to click on it to preview the feed content and subscribe using your favorite feed reader. The extension comes with a few feed readers predefined (Newsblur, My Yahoo, Feedly, Inoreader, The Old Reader) but also allo
Copy current page URL to clipboard in various formats. (Tested on OSX, WindowsXP, Windows7/64bit) Make HTML link tag easily like Firefox addon Make Link. Copy current page title and URL to clipboard in various formats. *plain text ([page title] [page URL]) *HTML link (<a href="[page URL]">[page title]</a> *markdown *mediawiki In extension options page, you can configure formats and shortcut key. S
() - 1,780 users - Weekly installs: 1,290 Read It Later (http://readitlaterlist.com) is a brilliant concept by Nate Weiner: When you come across a webpage you want to read, instead of interrupting the flow of your work - you just mark it for later! All the pages marked "for later" appear in a handy popup list, so that you can get to them when you've got time. Once read, you simply mark them as "re