
ブックマーク / corte.si (3)

  • corte.si

    you0708 2015/03/05
    『With binvis.io you can: Visually explore binary data Cluster bytes to pick out fine structural features with space-filling curves Use the simple scan layout to navigate and select data intuitively Flip between a number of useful byte color mappings, including an entropy visualiser that lets you p
  • corte.si

    Edit: Since this post, I've created an interactive tool for binary visualisation - see it at binvis.io Last week, I wrote about visualizing binary files using space-filling curves, a technique I use when I need to get a quick overview of the broad structure of a file. Today, I'll show you an elaboration of the same basic idea - still based on space-filling curves, but this time using a colour func

  • corte.si

    Edit: Since this post, I've created an interactive tool for binary visualisation - see it at binvis.io In my day job I often come across binary files with unknown content. I have a set of standard avenues of attack when I confront such a beast - use "file" to see if it's a known file type, "strings" to see if there's readable text, run some in-house code to extract compressed sections, and, of cou

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