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  • 51 Smart Tips for Brilliant Writing

    For the first time, The Copyblogger methodology is now available to a select few clients. We know it works. We’ve been doing it since 2006. 4. Write short sentences You should keep sentences short for the same reason you keep paragraphs short: they’re easier to read and understand. Each sentence should have one simple thought. More than that creates complexity and invites confusion. 5. Use the act

    51 Smart Tips for Brilliant Writing
    yukidarumays 2010/04/22
    "Simple is best"―何かのCMキャッチコピーだったと思うが、ごくごく当然のことなのだが、”専門用語””難語”を使えることが”知性”の証になっているのは事実。しかし、いずれにしても言葉とは抽象化概念である。
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