2024年3月12日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Kouska's fallacy - Google 検索

    ... Kouska's fallacy”—Kouska was a fictional nineteenth century philosopher who concluded that the combination of un- likely events that led to his parents meeting was too implausible to believe, and that therefore he himself could not ... ... Kouska's fallacy. It can be hard to evaluate the significance of combinations of findings that you cannot immediately connect and would normally be individu

    zzz_zzzz 2024/03/12
    "コウスカの誤謬"に注意するよう促す本物の医学書(架空書評集『完全な真空』の架空哲学者コウスカの屁理屈に由来する誤謬で,1986年『ランセット』328号にてMark S. Lubinskyが背景込で紹介)。冊数もIFも極少数ですが面白いなと