2019年12月17日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Exploring "Negative Latency" - Nolan Nicholson

    Exploring "Negative Latency" Google recently launched a service called Stadia that lets you play video games through the cloud, and experiences with the platform have been mixed. Some reviewers of Stadia have had the service work almost flawlessly for them. Others have been less lucky, experiencing comical amounts of latency and other technical glitches. There has already been a lot of good discus

    ABA 2019/12/17
    クラウドゲーミング機Stadiaがラグを減らすテクニックとして喧伝していたNegative latencyの実装実験。フレームレートを高めて入力を先につかむ、入力有り無し両パターンを投機的に送る、プレイヤーの入力を先読みする