2020年7月20日のブックマーク (2件)

  • Implementing cosine in C from scratch

    Implementing cosine in C from scratch 7/19/2020 Update 7/20: See the discussion of this post on Reddit. Update 3/22: See more discussion of this post on Hacker News and Reddit. Update 6/23: See even more discussion of this post on Hacker News. TL;DR: I explored how to implement cosine using a few different approaches. One of the implementations is nearly 3x faster than math.h if you are ok with 4

    Implementing cosine in C from scratch
    ABA 2020/07/20
  • Z80 Explorer - Baltazar Studios

    Z80 Explorer is a Zilog Z80 netlist-level simulator capable of running Z80 machine code and also an educational tool with features that help reverse engineer and understand this chip better. Z80 Explorer is a tool I wished I had a few years ago when I first started looking at the photos of the Z80 chip die and was learning to reverse-engineer its features. The process was slow and painful as it in

    Z80 Explorer - Baltazar Studios
    ABA 2020/07/20
    Z80のネットリスト(回路図)レベルのシミュレータZ80 Explorer