
2010年5月25日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Genesis redux

    AKANE_Daigo 2010/05/25
  • And man made life

    And man made lifeArtificial life, the stuff of dreams and nightmares, has arrived TO CREATE life is the prerogative of gods. Deep in the human psyche, whatever the rational pleadings of physics and chemistry, there exists a sense that biology is different, is more than just the sum of atoms moving about and reacting with one another, is somehow infused with a divine spark, a vital essence. It may

    And man made life
    AKANE_Daigo 2010/05/25
    アメリカの生物学者、Craig VenterとHamilton Smithが人工的に合成したゲノムでバクテリアを作ることに成功した件。オープンソース生物学とかホワイトハット遺伝学者という表現が面白い。
  • Lives of others

    Lives of othersFacebook and Google face a backlash, from users and regulators alike, over the way they have handled sensitive data JENNIFER STODDART, Canada's privacy commissioner, is furious with Facebook. In August 2009 the social-networking site struck a deal, agreeing to change its policies within a year to comply with the country's privacy law. Now, says Ms Stoddart, the company appears to be

    Lives of others
    AKANE_Daigo 2010/05/25