Learning Japanese business culture is always a hot topic for those looking to deal on this side of the Pacific, but little do many know that Japanese young adults are almost just as confused by the the traditions and hype surrounding the complex world of Japanese shafuu. In Japan, corporate culture amongst established companies is not something that is organically developed or that reads from the
Maybe all three of these things are part of the same problem. I would like to say that I intend to flesh out each of the following bullet points in such a way as to minimize hate mail, though that would be undermining the creativity of hate mailers. Instead, I'll just say that, yes, I live in Tokyo and I have for many years, and that I do understand that many of the complaints here are maybe parti
Copyright © 2010 Fukuoka Prefectural Government / Asia Youth Culture Center All rights reserved. FUKUOKA IS OPEN 開設のお知らせ いつもアジアンビートを応援いただきありがとうございます。 福岡県では、まんが、アニメ、ファッション、ポップミュージックなどアジア共通の若者文化を通じた相互理解を促進するため、2005年から多言語ウェブサイト「アジアンビート」を運営してまいりました。 18年間、福岡発の魅力を発信し、多くの皆様にご利用いただきましたが、2023年3月31日 (金) をもちまして、当ウェブサイトを終了いたしました。 これまでのご愛顧に対しまして、スタッフ一同、深く感謝いたしますとともに心より御礼申し上げます。 このたび、教育、医療、就労、住環境といった、海外から福岡県に来る
In a recent interview with Monocle Magazine, Japanamerica author and pop culture stalwart Roland Kelts was asked about Meiji University's plans for a manga library. "When you make a Rock and Roll museum, it means that Rock and Roll is dead," he said. "And when you build a manga museum, to some extent it means that there is an end in sight." Perhaps in its present form, yes. Kelts doesn't believe t
Now, next, and beyond: Tracking need-to-know trends at the intersection of business and technology AI/ML Few technologies have the potential to change the nature of work and how we live as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Future of the Firm Everything from new organizational structures and payment schemes to new expectations, skills, and tools will shape the future of the fi