Works at any scale Angular lets you start small on a well-lit path and supports you as your team and apps grow. Loved by millions Join the millions of developers all over the world building with Angular in a thriving and friendly community.
Focused on web standards and modern web app UX, you’re simply going to build better websites Remix is a full stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through web standards to deliver a fast, slick, and resilient user experience. People are gonna love using your stuff. export async function loader({ request }) { return getProjects(); } export async function action
Build lightning fast web apps with fewer bugsLucky is a web framework written in Crystal. It helps you work quickly, catch bugs at compile time, and deliver blazing fast responses. 🚀 Say goodbye to slowLucky is extremely fast and uses very little memory. You and your users will love the extra dose of speed. 🔋 Batteries includedAuthentication, asset management, CORS, database ORM, and more can al
A micro (~3kb) CSS framework. FWIW, "choṭā" means "small" in Hindi Features ⚡️ Super light-weight. Just ~3kb (minified + gzipped). ⛔️ No preprocessor, just plug-n-play 📐 Magical 12 column grid 🌈 Easy to extend with CSS variables 🎲 Comes with a handful of components & utilities ✅ Good Semantics 🌙 Easy dark mode switch 🤡 Supports icons out-of-the-box Getting Started All you need is 1 CS
Wails v2 turns what used to be tedious and painful into a delightfully simple process. Use the tools you know to create cross-platform desktop apps. Everyone wins!— Brian Ketelsen Co-author of "Go In Action" Feature RichBuild comprehensive cross-platform applications using native UI elements such as menus and dialogs.
All-in-one Framework Stunning error messages ∙ Stress Testing ∙ Beautiful documentation ∙ Colorful console output ∙ API inspired by Ruby's Rspec and Jest ∙ Mutation Testing ∙ --profile for performance analysis ∙ Built-in --coverage reports ∙ Native --parallel support ∙ Interactive --watch mode. Productive Testing Repeat tests with different data with datasets ∙ --drift your PHPUnit test suite in s
From installation to deployment in one command All you need is TypeScript
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compiled Svelte shifts as much work as possible out of the browser and into your build step. No more manual optimisations — just faster, more efficient apps. compact Write breathtakingly concise components using languages you already know — HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Oh, and your application bundles will be tiny as well. complete Built-in scoped styling, state management, motion primitives, form bi
There seem to be hundreds of these things out there. So why bother with another one? Well, I was sick of fighting with the other options. Most are overly opinionated and result in spending time fighting the framework instead of it boosting productivity. I have tried so many different ones. Some do too much, others do too little. I needed some middle ground that worked for specifically what I wante