
2020年2月8日のブックマーク (1件)

  • A new Raspbian update - Raspberry Pi

    The last major release of Raspbian was the Buster version we launched alongside Raspberry Pi 4 last year. There was a minor release a couple of months later, which was mostly just bug-fixes for the first release (hence no blog post), but today’s release has a few changes that we thought it was worth bringing to your attention. File manager changes We previously made some significant changes to the

    A new Raspbian update - Raspberry Pi
    Akkiesoft 2020/02/08
    PCmanFMとかサウンド設定周りの改善、Orca screen readerの追加、Screen blankingの追加(スクリーンの省電力設定をかんたんにオフにできるようになる)。リリースノートのEnabled NEON routines in OpenSSLが気になる