
ブックマーク / www.ifitweremyhome.com (1)

  • IfItWereMyHome.com

    Welcome to IfItWereMyHome.com The lottery of birth is responsible for much of who we are. If you were not born in the country you were, what would your life be like? Would you be the same person? IfItWereMyHome.com is your gateway to understanding life outside your home. Use our country comparison tool to compare living conditions in your own country to those of another. Start by selecting a regio

    Jota_Shimazaki 2011/01/21
    世界のさまざまな国の生活レベルを比較することができるサイト 優越感に浸れるかも知れないし、追い抜かれる悲哀に満たされるかも知れないが、経済の勉強にもなりそうな気がする
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