2018年4月6日のブックマーク (5件)

  • Update on Async Rendering – React Blog

    This blog site has been archived. Go to react.dev/blog to see the recent posts. For over a year, the React team has been working to implement asynchronous rendering. Last month during his talk at JSConf Iceland, Dan unveiled some of the exciting new possibilities async rendering unlocks. Now we’d like to share with you some of the lessons we’ve learned while working on these features, and some rec

    Update on Async Rendering – React Blog
    NineGates 2018/04/06
    Update on Async Rendering For over a year, the React team has been working to implement asynchronous rendering. Last month during his talk at JSConf Iceland, Dan unveiled some of the exciting new possibilities async rendering unlocks. Tags: from Pocket April 01, 2018 at 08:31AM via IFTTT
  • Seva Zaikov - Asynchronous Patterns in JavaScript

    NineGates 2018/04/06
    Asynchronous Patterns in JavaScript Sometimes you need to load something once, like a script, and you need to execute your code only after loading it. For example, you have some magical library, but it weights around 1 MB, so you don’t want to just load it, until you actually use it. Tags: from Po
  • React Router 4: A Practical Introduction

    NineGates 2018/04/06
    React Router 4: A Practical Introduction TL;DR: React Router 4 is a body of navigational components that offers declarative routing in your React apps. In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to use React Router 4 through practical examples. Check out the repo to get the code. Tags: from Pocket
  • JavaScript:map,filterはreduceで書ける - Qiita

    関数fと配列xsを引数にして accの初期値を[]、配列の要素をeとして f(e)を順次accに足していく const rMap = f => xs => xs.reduce( (acc, e) => [...acc, f(e)], [])

    JavaScript:map,filterはreduceで書ける - Qiita
    NineGates 2018/04/06
    JavaScript:map,filterはreduceで書ける Tags: from Pocket April 01, 2018 at 08:25AM via IFTTT
  • map, reduce もいいけど transduce もね - Qiita

    続編もよければどうぞ 衝撃レポート!!map, reduce の質にせまる! 市民権をえた map, filter, reduce 最近はどの言語でも配列やストリームにおいて map, filter, reduce が使われすっかり市民権を得た感じがある。一方、transducer はあんまり使われているのを聞いたことがない気がする。 稿では transducer について少しだけまとめる。言語はJavaScriptを使う。 解きたい課題 メソッドチェーンで map, filter をつなげて処理を書くと、中間状態として無駄な配列がでてきてしまう。 targetList.filter(isHoge) //中間配列1つめ .filter(isMoge) //中間配列2つめ .map(doFoo) //中間配列3つめ .map(doBar) //中間配列4つめ .map(doBaz)

    map, reduce もいいけど transduce もね - Qiita
    NineGates 2018/04/06
    map, reduce もいいけど transduce もね 最近はどの言語でも配列やストリームにおいて map, filter, reduce が使われすっかり市民権を得た感じがある。一方、transducer はあんまり使われているのを聞いたことがない気がする。 Tags: from P