UPDATED March 15, 2011 Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami Move the slider to compare satellite images, taken by GeoEye/EyeQ, from before and after the disaster. Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Japan's largest ongoing threat is at this nuclear power plant. There have been explosions at four of its six reactors and all four have released some radioactive material.
【画像】地震スレまとめ(1日目) Tweet ◆NTTドコモ、KDDI、ソフトバンクモバイルなどが「災害用伝言板」の運用を開始 NTTドコモ KDDI ソフトバンク イーモバイル ウィルコム ◆被災者の方 1.伝言ダイヤル「171」を押す。 2.自宅の電話番号を押す。 3.伝言を録音する。 ◆安否を確認したい方 1.伝言ダイヤル「171」を押す。 2.安否を確認したい方の電話番号を押す。 3.録音された伝言を再生する。 ◆Googleによるまとめ ◆東北地方太平洋沖地震 まとめwiki ◆記事内リンク ◆15:36 ◆15:46 ◆16:08 ◆16:30 ◆17:15 ◆18:08 ◆19:29 ◆15:36 ◆15:46 ◆16:08 ◆16:30 ◆17:15 ◆18:08 ◆19:29 次スレ 【画像】地震スレまとめ その2 関連記事 宮城県気仙沼市で数キロに及ぶ大火災
Cannot be driven so they need to be hauled. Cars that have problems like engine malfunction can not be pushed so that they need to be hauled. It stated that new cars are not as likely to possess engine flaws when compared with older vehicles. Any car with such a fault ought to be hauled into the garage in which it’s going to be fixed by a mechanic that’s competent. This is because these equipments