Ruby、PHP、Node.jsの環境をクラウド上でPaaSとして提供しているEngine Yardは、クラウドと互換性のある環境をローカルで構築できるソフトウェア「Engine Yard Local」を、Engine Yardが無償で公開しました。 Engine Yard Localを利用することで手元のコンピュータだけで開発環境が完結するようになるため、クラウドへ接続することなくアプリケーションの開発が行え、クラウドにかかるコストを削減できます。開発者も、どんな場所でもアプリケーションの開発が可能になりますし、生産性の向上もはかれるでしょう。本番環境へデプロイするChefのレシピをテストすることも可能。 仮想マシンをツールから制御する仕組み Engine Yard Localは、オラクルのVirtualBoxを、Rubyで作られたオープンソースのツールVagrantを用いて制御し、仮想
A humble HTTP request library. Simplify how you interact with other sites and leave your worries behind. WpOrg\Requests\Requests::get('', array('Accept' => 'application/json')); Never touch cURL again. Download Now Version v2.0.12 Previous Versions Requests for PHP Requests is a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings. It is roughly based on the API from the excellent
As the saying goes, “Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.” But in the world of programming, stretching boundaries is just part of the fun. The PHP community has never been one to shy away from bending their favorite language more ways than a shopping mall pretzel, and as the ten wild projects introduced in this article indicate, the fervor for experimentation is as strong as
Sismo Your Continuous Testing Server Sismo is a Continuous Testing Server written in PHP. Sismo does not try to do more than getting your code, running your tests, and send you notifications. Sismo is language and tool agnostic. Just give it a command that knows how to run your tests and returns a non-zero exit code when tests do not pass. Sounds good? There is more. Sismo is insanely easy to inst
Traditional test-driven development can, at times, be cumbersome. You have to stop writing code in order to run your tests. Luckily, there are solutions, which provide the ability to automatically run your tests as you code. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use a Ruby gem, called watchr, to monitor your code and automatically run the appropriate tests whenever you save your work. Step 1: So
Introduction AOP is a PECL extension that enables you to use Aspect Oriented Programming in PHP, without the need to compile or proceed to any other intermediate step before publishing your code. The AOP extension is designed to be the easiest way you can think of for integrating AOP to PHP. AOP aims to allow separation of cross-cutting concerns (cache, log, security, transactions, ...) PHP's AOP