If there is a hidden photon -- i.e. a light abelian gauge boson in the hidden sector -- its kinetic mixing with the standard photon can produce a hidden cosmic microwave background (hCMB). For meV masses, resonant photon-hidden photon oscillations happen after nucleosynthesis (BBN) but before CMB decoupling, increasing the effective number of neutrinos but also the baryon to photon ratio. The curr
Recently, the laser experiments BMV and GammeV, searching for light shining through walls, have published data and calculated new limits on the allowed masses and couplings for axion-like particles. In this note we point out that these experiments can serve to constrain a much wider variety of hidden-sector particles such as, e.g., minicharged particles and hidden-sector photons. The new experimen
We report on the first results of a search for optical-wavelength photons mixing with hypothetical hidden-sector paraphotons in the mass range between 10^-5 and 10^-2 electron volts for a mixing parameter greater than 10^-7. This was a generation-regeneration experiment using the "light shining through a wall" technique in which regenerated photons are searched for downstream of an optical barrier
HDMI出力を装備し大容量1GBものメモリを搭載するATI Radeon™ HD 4000シリーズエントリーモデル。 約20Wという低発熱・低消費電力とファンレス/ロープロファイル形状により、幅広いマシンに対応します。
We study for what specific values of the theoretical parameters the axion can form the totality of cold dark matter. We examine the allowed axion parameter region in the light of recent data collected by the WMAP5 mission plus baryon acoustic oscillations and supernovae \cite{komatsu}, and assume an inflationary scenario and standard cosmology. We also upgrade the treatment of anharmonicities in t
We compute the flux of axions from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Axions can be produced in the accretion disk by the Compton, Bremsstrahlung and Primakoff processes. We find that the axion luminosity due to these processes is negligible in comparison to the photon luminosity from AGNs. We also compute the luminosity of a hypothetical pseudoscalar, with very small mass, from the AGN atmosphere due
いくつになっても嫌な虫歯、気になる口臭……。こうした「口の悩み」の原因となっている虫歯菌や歯周病菌を徹底的に取り除いてくれるというのが野口歯科医学研究所(栃木県小山市)開発の洗口剤「パーフェクトペリオ」だ。東京医科歯科大の研究でもパーフェクトペリオには虫歯菌、歯周病菌に対して「10秒のうがいでほぼ100%の殺菌効果」があることが認められており、"実力派"洗口剤として注目を集めている。 パーフェクトペリオ 2005年に同研究所が開発したパーフェクトペリオは、虫歯菌や歯周病菌を溶菌する効果のある口腔機能水。白血球と同じ殺菌成分である「次亜塩素酸」と「炭酸水素ナトリウム」が含まれた電解水で、虫歯菌や歯周病菌の周囲にあるバイオフィルム(口腔内微生物によって、膜状に構成される構造体)を破壊し、細菌を破裂させて溶菌する仕組み。 同研究所の代表で歯科医の野口宗則氏によると、口臭の2大物質である硫化水素(