▼一つ論文を仕上げていました。 Non-fixing Gauge Field Quantization ゲージ自由度がある場合の量子化はゲージ固定の方法を捨てて新しい方法を採るべきだということです。 実は概略はすでに「ゲージ固定しなくもゲージ場の量子化が出来る方法について」に書いてありますが、細部まで実現するのは大変でした。細部ではいちいちこれまでの教科書と衝突するからでした。丁度教科書を書き直したみたいな感じでした。 しかしブログなんかに書いたら盗まれるのではないかと考える研究者がよく居ますが、有名人でもない限りは意外と心配いらないもののようです。 ▼個人的にはかなりの自負がある論文なのですが、今のところ反応は乏しいです。内容のスコープが大きすぎて意味がつかみがたいのかも知れません。主張の眼目は横波性への批判と拘束条件の扱い方だけなんだけども、なぜそれが正しいのかは、どちらかというと多数
View PDF Abstract:I provide a pedagogical introduction to supersymmetry. The level of discussion is aimed at readers who are familiar with the Standard Model and quantum field theory, but who have had little or no prior exposure to supersymmetry. Topics covered include: motivations for supersymmetry, the construction of supersymmetric Lagrangians, superspace and superfields, soft supersymmetry-bre
Photons may convert into axion like particles and back in the magnetic field of various astrophysical objects, including active galaxies, clusters of galaxies, intergalactic space and the Milky Way. This is a potential explanation for the candidate neutral ultra-high-energy (E>10^18 eV) particles from distant BL Lac type objects which have been observed by the High Resolution Fly's Eye experiment.
IIn 2006 the PVLAS collaboration reported the observation of an optical rotation generated in vacuum by a magnetic field. To further check against possible instrumental artifacts several upgrades to the PVLAS apparatus have been made during the last year. Two data taking runs, at the wavelength of 1064 nm, have been performed in the new configuration with magnetic field strengths of 2.3 T and 5 T.
TeXkey searching SPIRES LaTeX and BibTeX formats produce keys for the records of the form Alwall:2007ed which are helpful to people using our LaTeX outputs in new papers. Many users have asked to be able to search on these keys, and others have noted that occasionally they are not unique. We have remedied both of these problems, and one can now search on the keys using: find texkey Alwall:2007ed f
Pseudoscalar particles, with almost zero mass and very weak coupling to the visible matter, arise in many extensions of the standard model of particle physics. Their mixing with photons in the presence of an external magnetic field leads to many interesting astrophysical and cosmological consequences. This mixing depends on the medium properties, the momentum of the photon and the background magne
The sensitivities of large arrays of low-background germanium detectors for solar axion searches are investigated in the context of three coupling scenarios. A search was made for the 14.4-keV axion branch from the M1-transition in the thermally excited 57Fe in the solar core in 80 kgd of data from the IGEX Dark Matter experiment published earlier. In one scenario, the direct couplings of axions t