
travisciに関するama-chのブックマーク (3)

  • いまどきの.travis.yml - teppeis blog

    いまさら感もあるのだけど、あまり知られていないようなのでTravis CIの高速化+αなtipsを書いておく。 先にNode.js向けの完成形の.travis.ymlはこちら。 language: node_js node_js: - "0.12" - "4" - "6" sudo: false cache: directories: - node_modules Tipsは3つ。 テスト対象のNode.jsバージョンを指定する sudo: false: コンテナベースの環境を使う cache: 依存パッケージをキャッシュする テスト対象のNode.js/io.jsのバージョンを指定する 最近はカジュアルにio.jsを使う人/プロジェクトが増えてきている(要出典)ので、特に政治的な理由でもなければnpmパッケージのテストはNode.jsとio.jsの両方で流しておくのが良いと思う。.tra

    いまどきの.travis.yml - teppeis blog
  • Travis CI Blog

    Travis CI could be looking for you. Now, you can write an article for Travis CI and get paid. You can earn: $500 per article$250 bonus if the article gets 1,000 organic views... Introduction Trunk-based development is one of the most widely used branching methodologies. It helps teams collaborate and build and deliver software.This article will examine... Docker Build Cloud has been a popular topi

    ama-ch 2014/12/21
    “Pricing starts at $6,000 per license, which includes 20 users and 5 concurrent builds.”
  • Enterprise – Travis-CI

    I agree to receive marketing communication from Travis CI for product updates, sales services, promotions, news, and events. I can withdraw my consent at any time and update my communication preference at the subscription center from any email received. By filling and submitting this form you understand and agree that the use of Travis CI website is subject to the General Website Terms of Use. Add

    Enterprise – Travis-CI
    ama-ch 2014/12/02
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