A cooperative text-based horror game This website is out of date! Please check out the community reboot, Twitch In The Shell Twitch Installs Arch Linux Remember how chaotic Twitch Plays Pokemon was? Now we have a much harder challenge: install Arch Linux. Every five seconds, the most popular keystroke in Twitch chat will be entered into an Arch Linux virtual machine. Up for the challenge? Bonus Po
Is Plotly.js Free? Plotly's open-source graphing libraries are free to use, work offline and don't require any account registration. Plotly also has a commercial offering called Dash Enterprise. New to Plotly? Plotly is a free and open-source graphing library for JavaScript. We recommend you read our Getting Started guide for the latest installation or upgrade instructions, then move on to our Plo
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今回はカスタマーサクセス (Customer Success) に関するスライドです。 前回のセールスのスライドが顧客の新規獲得だとすれば、今回は獲得した顧客の維持についての内容になります。本文中で書いてある通り、実際には顧客を獲得してからが本番ですし、Negative Churn や新規顧客の獲得という点から収益という観点でもセールス以後がグロースには重要です(実際にサブスクリプションビジネスの 70 - 95% は更新やアップセルから来るようです)。 そうした意味で、Customer Support はこれまでも十分に重要だったのですが、どうしてもコストセンターとして見られることが多く、難しい立ち位置でした。しかしリアクティブなサポートだけではなく、プロアクティブなサポートも含む Customer Success という文脈で捉えることでよりその効果を上げられるのではないかと思い、Cu
Wayland is a replacement for the X11 window system protocol and architecture with the aim to be easier to develop, extend, and maintain. Wayland is the language (protocol) that applications can use to talk to a display server in order to make themselves visible and get input from the user (a person). A Wayland server is called a "compositor". Applications are Wayland clients. Wayland also refers t
Imagine a future where you are building that rich, client-side web app. You start by creating some backend services in Flask or Node, an HTML page, throw in a few divs and uls, and then you type [script src="main.py" language="Python"]. That future might just be possible, for the right types of applications, with Ryan Kelly's pypy.js project. Links from the show: PyPy.js: What? How? Why? - PyCon 2
Facebook has recently launched a limited beta of its ground-breaking AI called M. M’s capabilities far exceed those of any competing AI. Where some AIs would be hard-pressed to tell you the weather conditions for more than one location (god forbid you go on a trip), M will tell you the weather forecast for every point on your route at the time you’re expected to get there, and also provide you wit