2019 年 11 月 18 日 Google Cloud INSIDE Game & Apps 『GKE と Cloud Spanner が躍動する ドラゴンクエストウォーク』 株式会社コロプラ 邵 正氏と粟田 大樹氏によるセッションの登壇スライドです。Read less
16. { "_id" : ObjectId("4dcd3ebc9278000000005158"), "timestamp" : ISODate("2011-05-13T14:22:46.777Z"), "binary" : BinData(0,""), "string" : "abc", "number" : 3, "subobj" : {"subA": 1, "subB": 2 }, "array" : [1, 2, 3], "dbref" : [_id1, _id2, _id3] } 17. { "_id" : ObjectId("4dcd3ebc9278000000005158"), "timestamp" : ISODate("2011-05-13T14:22:46.777Z"), "binary" : BinData(0,""), "string" : "abc", "num
This document contains a series of commands and their outputs from a zsh shell session. It introduces a user named SATO Yozo and provides their name, Twitter ID, email, job, and disclaimer. It also includes tips for using zsh like using screen, managing bash/zsh history files, and links to resources for learning zsh.Read less
This document discusses usage trends of the Eclipse integrated development environment. It notes that Eclipse usage increased 20% in 2011, with the biggest increases being 10% for Eclipse itself, 10% for plugins, and 200% for Android Development Tools. It then provides many tips and shortcuts for using Eclipse more efficiently.Read less
10+1 Things you should know about JavaScript testing - Nov 20, 2010 at John Resig feat. Shibuya.js, in Firefox Developers Conference 2010Read less