Today, I’m proud to announce the 0.4 release of Light Table - go download it! A bit of the future. With this release our goal was to bring more people into the fold, to increase the number of languages we can eval, and to smooth out some of the core experience. After 0.3, we finally had a chance to move the ball forward some - from live modifying websites directly inside of LT to injecting code in
import vincent world_countries = r'world-countries.json' world = vincent.Map(width=1200, height=1000) world.geo_data(projection='winkel3', scale=200, world=world_countries) world.to_json(path) One of my goals when I started building Vincent was to streamline the creation of maps as much as possible. There are some excellent Python map libraries out there- see Basemap and Kartograph for more fun wi
Why virtualenvwrapper is (Mostly) Not Written In Python¶ If you look at the source code for virtualenvwrapper you will see that most of the interesting parts are implemented as shell functions in The hook loader is a Python app, but doesn’t do much to manage the virtualenvs. Some of the most frequently asked questions about virtualenvwrapper are “Why didn’t you write this as
Back in 1985 I worked on the computerization of a machine designed to stick labels on bottles. The company that made the machines was using electromechanical controls to spool labels off a reel and onto products (such as bottles of shampoo) passing by on a conveyor. The entire thing needed to work with mm accuracy because consumers don't like labels that aren't perfectly aligned. Unfortunately, el
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -- Arthur C Clarke Musings from the technological frontier A frequent question from new and even not-so-new Python programmers is "why does the language have both tuples (which, if you know Python, you will recall are immutable) and lists?" You might almost say there are two kinds of Python programmers, those who know what tupl
By David Mytton, CEO & Founder of Server Density. Published on the 25th April, 2013. For Server Density v2 we’ve taken a lot of time to redesign how we handle our website monitoring, particularly in relation to how we avoid false positives. We’ve also added much more control and visibility into how our queuing system works because the current one is almost like a black box because ZeroMQ is not gr
What factors impact the comprehensibility of code? Previous research suggests that expectation-congruent programs should take less time to understand and be less prone to errors. We present an experiment in which participants with programming experience predict the exact output of ten small Python programs. We use subtle differences between program versions to demonstrate that seemingly insignific