Can I WebView… Launched and maintained by W3C WebView Community Group. Site design and code is based on by @HTeuMeuLeu and the team at Tilt Studio. That based their's from by @Fyrd and designed by @Lensco. Also based on the original name and idea by @M_J_Robbins and the team at Rebel. Support data contributions by the WebView Community Group. If you see something wrong, p
At Mercari, the responsibilities of the Platform team and the service development teams are clearly distinguished. Not all service owners possess expert knowledge of Kubernetes. Also, Mercari has embraced a microservices architecture, currently managing over 1000 Deployments, each with its dedicated development team. To effectively drive FinOps across such a sprawling landscape, it's clear that th
Whenever a post about Specificity in CSS – and by extension the Cascade itself – gets published I get very excited as it’s a core concept of the language that everyone should know. The more articles on this, the better! However, I also sometimes raise an eyebrow as from time to time I, unfortunately, encounter some parts that are not entirely correct of just outright wrong. To remove some of the c
The Go Blog Secure Randomness in Go 1.22 Russ Cox and Filippo Valsorda 2 May 2024 Computers aren’t random. On the contrary, hardware designers work very hard to make sure computers run every program the same way every time. So when a program does need random numbers, that requires extra effort. Traditionally, computer scientists and programming languages have distinguished between two different ki
Karpenter simplifies Kubernetes infrastructure with the right nodes at the right time.Karpenter automatically launches just the right compute resources to handle your cluster's applications. It is designed to let you take full advantage of the cloud with fast and simple compute provisioning for Kubernetes clusters. Improve application availability Karpenter responds quickly and automatically to ch
満足した顧客はさらに購入します。 AI を活用した受信トレイ、チャットボット、セールス ポップなどによって売上の成長を促進します。 Cheerlink は、マーチャント向けの収益を促進するマーケティングおよび顧客サービス プラットフォームであり、顧客を変換して満足させます。ほとんどの顧客は、ライブ チャットが満足のいくコミュニケーション形式であると認識しており、購入する可能性が高くなります。チャット中に、AI 副操縦士を使用し、顧客のアクティビティを確認し、製品を顧客に直接送信できます。さらに多くのマーケティング ツール (セールス ポップ、お知らせなど) を構成して、ブランドを構築し、収益を加速することもできます。 Cheerlink は、マーチャント向けの収益を促進するマーケティングおよび顧客サービス プラットフォームであり、顧客を変換して満足させます。ほとんどの顧客は、ライブ チャッ
Have you ever wanted to edit Ruby code programmatically? Perhaps change one bit of text to another, use a bit of regex and all good to go. The problem is Ruby code isn't text, strictly speaking, it's a series of tokens that all have distinct meaning which makes it very hard to change non-trivial codepaths with regex without committing horrible atrocities that would make a Perl programmer proud. (*
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One of the key elements of Google's software engineering culture is the use of design docs for defining software designs. These are relatively informal documents that the primary author or authors of a software system or application create before they embark on the coding project. The design doc documents the high level implementation strategy and key design decisions with emphasis on the trade-of
06 5月, 2024 Erasable Logo on Apple’s Homepage ペンでりんごを消せるギミックが6種類のりんごに適用されてます。 すべて消すと次がロードするし、どうやってんのか? と <div class="animation-wrapper"> と <canvas> を覗いたら <span> 1に以下文章が挟まれている「text to action(文章でアニメーションを生成するやつ)」にも拡張し得る実装だった。 これはやられたw 該当ヶ所だけをgistに残しました : ソースは MacRumors : Erasable Logo on Apple's Homepage Hints at New A
Cookieの改訂版仕様 rfc6265bis について、その変更点をざっと眺めていく はじめに SameSite属性 Cookie名プレフィックス (Cookie Name Prefixes) __Secureプレフィックス __Hostプレフィックス 非セキュアなオリジンからの Secure属性の上書きを禁止 nameless cookieの許容 Cookie名、Cookie値の上限長の指定 Expires属性の年が2桁の場合の処理の指定 Max-Age/Expires の上限 その他 今回入らなかった機能 はじめに Cookieの仕様は『RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism』として標準化されています。 そのCookieの仕様の改訂版が『rfc6265bis』と呼ばれているもので、現在標準化作業が進められいています。"SameSite属性"
06 May 2024 Before the introduction of Java 21 virtual threads we were heavy users of claypoole a fantastic library for simple but effective parallelism using thread pools. However, things get complicated with virtual threads, they shouldn't be pooled, as they aren't a scarce resource. So how do we limit throughput when we have "unlimited" threads? In this post we will look at using java Semaphore