42 Comments True, most of this features must be or removed or updated… unfortunately most of the users, aka Clients (not designers) they just get stuck on what is out there, and they don’t see the “Simplicity” as an option Why should sliders disappear? O.O Why exactly in 2014? It’s curious 😀 (I’ll send all my clients to convince them :P) Parallax gradients rounded corners probably not sliders, as
12 Comments Love seeing these typographic based roundups. One of the most important parts of a design based on content. Great to see what is being done with this now that we have the ability to actually use many fonts in web design. These typography designs are great and ready to go . Thanks for sharing this article . You should really get a “Pin It” button on your articles! it is an Pattern of at
Tips Responsive Web Design Workflow Considerations Josh ChanMarch 13, 20134 Comments03.5k Birthed in May 2010 in an article by Ethan Marcotte published on A List Apart called “Responsive Web Design“, this device-independent design philosophy has spread like wild fire amongst the design and development community. Evidence of the larger business community embracing responsive web design began in 201
Freebies 10 Super Useful Free Icon Font Sets Henry JonesFebruary 26, 20135 Comments05.2k Icon fonts are great because, as you may have guessed, they are delivered as a font. This gives them a number of advantages over traditional image icons. For instance, if you want to change the color, it can easily be done with CSS. Whereas with an image, you would need to have a separate version of the icon.
9 Comments Cool examples, but I find it so hard to sit and sketch when I can do this work in half the time(and in more detail) using my desktop. However some pitches I do try include hand rendered ideas if I think it can win a deal. Yes, I agree, cool stuff and so, but to much time lost, I can do this on my desktop with premade elements, so I can save a lot of time and paper 🙂 Actually, you lose
Inspiration 21 Fresh Examples of Responsive Web Design Gisele MullerJanuary 23, 201326 Comments05.7k Responsive design is something a lot of designers talk about. And considering the importance of responsiveness and all the buzz around it, it’s impressive the amount of websites that are still not responsive. By now, with the amazing growth of mobile usage, every single website should be responsive
17 Comments Looks like minimal was the top web design trend of 2012. Do you think it will continue throughout 2013 or do you see any new trends appearing? Great list. Thanks Gisele for sharing. I found Simple, Clean, Minimal, Responsive and Yes, Retina Ready Web with more white spaces are the top web design trend of 2012. Wow. All great examples of incredibly clean design. I was going to pick a fa
Resources Best jQuery Plugins of 2012 Henry JonesDecember 20, 20123 Comments02.8k Nearly 6 years after the initial release of jQuery, it’s more popular than been. This can mostly be attributed to the community that’s been built up around it. This community of developers is constantly building plugins that allow web developers and designers to easily add amazing functionality to their projects. Con
10 Comments By adding plenty of white space you can leave room for big images, video files, and larger text styles. Readers need extra space to digest larger blocks of sentences. This is a beautiful collection of websites thanks for sharing. Good set. Bring us a “inspiraing examples of DARK WEBSITES’ 🙂 Great examples! We leverage whitespace heavily in our site (linked on my name) at LoudNoises. W
Advertise here with BSA We often showcase websites here on WDL that have a minimalistic design style – where the color palette usually doesn’t extend beyond white, black and shades of gray. But sometimes, it’s okay to use a little color, or even a lot. So for today, we gathered a collection of websites that incorporate plenty of color in their designs. In these examples, you’ll see that color can
18 Comments Nice post, I like more “UI Wireframe Sketches” when designers do work on paper and after created on computer. Thank you for sharing these inspirational clean websites. I totally agree that a clean website uses just the necessary design elements to get its point across and naturally attracts the website visitors eye to the most important area(s) on screen. The examples you provide perfe
11 Comments Good selection. Some of these sites really inspire me. I think especially of Squarespace with the Proxima Nova font and Information Architects that is really minimalistic but very beautiful. Thank you. Great collection. Can never have enough examples of strong typography in web design. Spent a long time reading through some of Information Architect`s articles when redesigning my site i
Tips 8 Code Snippets for New Website Projects Jake RocheleauOctober 24, 201224 Comments04k Working as a web developer often requires compromise and trying out new systems. Some of your code will turn out to be a flunk, and other codes will become staples in your development process. I have learned a lot about useful code snippets and how greatly these can affect your development process. In this a
Tools 13 Super Useful UI Wireframe Tools Gisele MullerOctober 9, 20127 Comments04.9k When you begin to work on a project, it’s always important to begin creating your ideas as a wireframe. It is the step you take to put your ideas in action to see if what you have in mind will work properly. We recently posted an article showcasing Inspiring UI Wireframe Sketches and we received some inquiries abo
Inspiration Inspiring UI Wireframe Sketches Gisele MullerOctober 4, 201210 Comments07.5k Wireframes are the skeleton of an idea, and it is really interesting to observe how other people do their wireframes because we can get several ideas and insights for our own projects. There are many different approaches to wireframes, from detailing kinds of information you will display, to showing a range of
Tools 8 Useful Responsive CSS Frameworks Henry JonesSeptember 11, 201221 Comments03.6k Responsive web design continues to become more widely practiced. Because of that, as web developers and designers, we have more tools and resources that make it easier for us to create responsive web sites. So for today, we gathered 8 CSS Frameworks that will help you do just that. As you know, we never get tire