What is imageable doing? You can put imageable into your express application, where it acts as middleware. Calling specific URLs (look below) will return resized and cropped images. How to get it run. In your express app you will find a section like this: app.configure(function(){ app.use(express.bodyParser()) app.use(express.methodOverride()) //... app.use(app.router) }) To plug imageable into yo
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A few days after Google was caught registering a bunch of Dart-related domain names, and the consequent storm of speculation, it has now emerged that Dart is a new programming language for "structured web programming." A few days after Google was caught registering a bunch of Dart-related domain names, and the inevitable storm of speculation, it has now emerged that Dart is a new programming langu
What is Newspeak? Newspeak is an object-capability programming platform that lets you develop code in your web browser. The entire Newspeak IDE runs locally in the browser. It will run on desktop, tablet or phone. Try it online right now. Like Self, Newspeak is message-based; all names are dynamically bound. However, like Smalltalk, Newspeak uses classes rather than prototypes. As in Beta, classes
Presentation: Tweet"Opening Keynote: Dart, a new programming language for structured web programming" Breaking news: Google to unveil World News at GOTO Aarhus. The whole world will be on alert when Google presents a new programming language "Dart" in the opening keynote speak on conference monday. Join us and GOTO Aarhus and get all the details. Download slides Gilad Bracha is the creator of the
2011/04/28 13:30 投稿 シュタインズ・ゲート 第4話「空理彷徨のランデヴー -Interpreter Rendezvous- 」 第1話無料!!SERNへのハッキングに成功するも、謎のプログラムコードに阻まれた岡部たち。そこで岡部は@ちゃんねるに現われ... これ劇場版の話で笑うわ 大正解 真帆たん♡ オカリンかわいい かっけぇ 「すごい」の言い方セクシーすぎる 俺はこんな派手なことできねぇよ... ; ; 足りないの本当草 厨二病以外は完璧な男 かっけぇ........ 紳士だなおかりん この返しでき... 2011/04/14 13:30 投稿 シュタインズ・ゲート 第2話「時間跳躍のパラノイア -Time Travel Paranoia- 」 第1話無料!!大学の講義の会場で、数時間前に刺されたはずの紅莉栖を見つけ驚愕する岡部。さらに直後の講義では、タイムマシ...
Participate: GitHub whatwg/dom (new issue, open issues) Chat on Matrix Commits: GitHub whatwg/dom/commits Snapshot as of this commit @thedomstandard Tests: web-platform-tests dom/ (ongoing work) Translations (non-normative): 日本語 简体中文 Abstract DOM defines a platform-neutral model for events, aborting activities, and node trees. 1. Infrastructure This specification depends on the Infra Standard. [IN