Thanks! Please check your inbox to confirm your subscription. If you haven’t previously confirmed a subscription to a Mozilla-related newsletter you may have to do so. Please check your inbox or your spam filter for an email from us. Webstandard Blog Wow, sounds great and it seems that mozilla is “striking back” against webkit. Good news and merry x-mas to all the mozillas out there! December 23rd
サーバサイド(特にNode.js)とクライアントサイド両方で動かしたいものは最近はこんな感じで書いている。 CommonJSのwiki見ててそこに紹介されてるソースコードで(どれだったか忘れたけど。。)やってたのを見ていいなーと思って真似っこした。 (function(define) { define([], function() { 'use strict'; /** * @constructor */ var SomeClass = function() { // initialize }; /** * @type {string} * @private */ SomeClass.prototype.hoge_ = 'hoge'; /** * @return {string} */ SomeClass.prototype.getHoge = function() { return th
Goodbye! What was NWM? Inspired by NUM, a post by Travis Glines, NWM tried to take a place into providing a simple WAMP alternative, based on NodeJS which would provide a simple NodeJS + MongoDB + NPM + Path Fix installation to the end user. Why take down NWM? Simply because it's not needed anymore! At the beginning the Installer of NodeJS was not even fixing PATH for the end user. So anyone who i