
ブックマーク / igor.io (3)

  • Stateless Services

    Stateless Services As more frameworks and libraries, particularly in the PHP world, move towards adopting the Dependency Injection pattern they are all faced with the problem of bootstrapping their application and constructing the object graph. In many cases this is solved by a Dependency Injection Container (DIC). Such a container manages the creation of all the things. The things it manages are

    brtRiver 2015/02/24
  • How heavy is Silex?

    How heavy is Silex? Quite often silex has been described as heavy or bloated. It’s time to put this myth to rest. Quotes Silex: The world’s largest microframework. Silex: All the bloat of Symfony but with only half the features. Silex is so big: It has more lines of code than your project. Micro-framework What an excellent buzzword! Let’s face it, this is an overloaded and mostly nebulous term. I

  • Scaling a Silex code base

    Scaling a Silex code base Warning: This blog post is not about clouds, it’s about people. One common misconception about silex and microframeworks in general is that they are only suited for small, simple apps, APIs and prototyping. Of course, those use cases are the main selling point, but they are by no means the limit of what is possible. Creating the mess The first experience with silex will m

    brtRiver 2012/11/09
    "Silex はフレームワークというよりフレームワークを作るための部品とサービスコンテナとルーティングビルダーが用意されているライブラリのようなものである"
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