
ブックマーク / www.economist.com (7)

  • The printed world

    The printed worldThree-dimensional printing from digital designs will transform manufacturing and allow more people to start making things FILTON, just outside Bristol, is where Britain's fleet of Concorde supersonic airliners was built. In a building near a wind tunnel on the same sprawling site, something even more remarkable is being created. Little by little a machine is “printing” a complex t

    The printed world
    ced 2012/04/14
    Engineers and designers have been using 3D printers for more than a decade, but mostly to make prototypes quickly and cheaply before they embark on the expensive business of tooling up a factory to produce the real thing. As 3D printers have become more capable and able to work with a broader range
  • Who needs leaders?

    Who needs leaders?The aftermath of the March 11th disasters shows that Japan’s strengths lie outside Tokyo, in its regions THE earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident that struck Japan three months ago have revealed something important about the country: a seam of strength and composure in the bedrock of society that has surprised even the Japanese themselves. Not only has this resilience helped

    Who needs leaders?
    ced 2011/06/21
  • Missing the point of WikiLeaks

    Missing the point of WikiLeaksStopping WikiLeaks-like data dumps is not an option DAVID BROOKS'S recent column and Ross Douthat's reply to my defence of WikiLeaks have helped me to pin down and articulate the source of a nagging but previously inchoate sense that somehow we're all missing the bigger picture. Let me start by suggesting that the politicians and pundits calling for Julian Assange's h

    ced 2010/12/03
  • Who's afraid of Google?

    Who's afraid of Google?The world's internet superpower faces testing times RARELY if ever has a company risen so fast in so many ways as Google, the world's most popular search engine. This is true by just about any measure: the growth in its market value and revenues; the number of people clicking in search of news, the nearest pizza parlour or a satellite image of their neighbour's garden; the v

    ced 2007/09/01
  • Ozzie the wizard

    Ozzie the wizardBill Gates replaces himself as Microsoft's software boss with Ray Ozzie, his top choice but one THE co-founder, chairman and “chief software architect” of Microsoft, the world's largest software company, would deny it on his life, but the one person Bill Gates admires most for his geeky prowess—and might have chosen to succeed him as software architect—is almost certainly Steve Job

    ced 2006/07/07
    なぜGatesがRay Ozzieを後継者に選んだのかがよく分かる記事。これからMSは「コラボレーション」や「peer to peer」に本格的に取り組んでいく。当然ライバルはgoogle。
  • A library at your fingertips

    A library at your fingertipsBig technology companies have pledged to make many thousands of books available online. The commercial prospects look shaky, but this new front in the battle between the world’s leading internet portals will yield a valuable resource for all A FEW years ago, at the height of the dotcom boom, it was widely assumed that a publishing revolution, in which the printed word w

  • Economist.com | The future of journalism

    Yesterday's papersIs Rupert Murdoch right to predict the end of newspapers as we now know them? “I BELIEVE too many of us editors and reporters are out of touch with our readers,” Rupert Murdoch, the boss of News Corporation, one of the world's largest media companies, told the American Society of Newspaper Editors last week. No wonder that people, and in particular the young, are ditching their n

    ced 2005/04/27
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