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  • Announcement Regarding Supplemental Material

    Journal of Neuroscience 11 August 2010, 30 (32) 10599-10600 Beginning November 1, 2010, The Journal of Neuroscience will no longer allow authors to include supplemental material when they submit new manuscripts and will no longer host supplemental material on its web site for those articles. When articles are published, authors will be allowed to include a footnote with a URL that points to supple

    Announcement Regarding Supplemental Material
    charliecgo 2010/08/19
    J Neurosciはsuppl infoのホスティングを終了。他誌はどう出るか。個人的にはNature, Scienceのたぐいがやめない限りsupplのインフレはなくならないような気がするが。
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